Delivering Extraordinary Results

Persea Capital Management

Distressed Credit

The firm’s distressed credit strategy focuses on unsecured corporate debt that allows for attractive relative-value situations where securities are signifacntly mispriced.

Corporate Restructuring

The firm’s corporate restructuring trading strategy is rooted in complex processes and in-court proceedings unrelated to traditional forces impacting stocks and bonds generally. 

Turnaround Events

We identify the specific set of actions required to save an organization from business failure, and return it to operational success and financial solvency.


The firm takes a private equity approach to public markets when executing its equity-oriented, deep-value strategy. Often holding positions for 3 to 5 years. 

We aim to deliver market-leading investment returns to our capital partners while driving our mission through a culture of honesty, openness, integrity, and curiosity: constantly improving, continuously learning, and leading with passion.

– Dorenus Johnikin, Jr. 

Our Mission Is to Deliver Market-Leading Returns for our Capital Partners

At Persea Capital, we seek to capitalize on corporate events that can potentially change the structure of a company. In our process of rigorous research and analysis, we place a strong emphasis on intrinsic value and potential outcomes. We assess the likelihood and returns of each outcome, and we focus on situations that can lead to compelling value opportunities for investors. Our competitive advantage lies in our ability to: 1) Analyze and interpret complex legal documents, 2) Identify potential investment opportunities that tend to be obscured for most investors, & 3) Maintain a disciplined approach throughout changing market environments.

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